Aunt Beast Annotates
December 28, 2007
Aunt Beast found mistakes on move 37 and 38 in a game between Roman and
21- (ypercube - Roman*) 1(22)2 1(23)1[2,3] 4(24)5 4(25)4[5,6] 7(26)8
7(27)7[8,9] 10(28)11 10(29)10[11,12] 13(30)14 13(31)13[14,15]
16(32)16[17-20,23,25] 27(33)29 16(34@21)32 21(35)21[34] 17(36)18
17(37)17[18,19] ? {17(37)17[18,25,36] P} 20(38)20 ? {11(38)11 P}
20(39@23)38 P 23(40)25 36(41)37[18] P 31(42)33 14(43)14[15] P II
I used the following conventions to annotate this game:
- A move followed by a question mark means that the move was a
blunder: there was an alternative move that would have won, but the
move actually played loses.
- A move followed by a P means Aunt Beast has verified that the
resulting position is a win for the player who made that move.
- Aunt Beast's suggested moves are enclosed in curly braces.
2+ 1(3)2 1(4)1 ? {1(4)2 P}
8+ 1(9)2 1(10)1[2,3] P
8+ 1(9)2 1(10)1 ? {1(10)1[2,3] P}
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