Tournament Nearly Complete
March 15, 2008
Jeff Peltier battled back against Yper Cube and company to achieve a drawn match, which ended March 13. The only match remaining now is Peltier-Purvis and that match began the same day (March 13). The winner and runner-up for the tournament having been settled for some time (Roman Khorkov winner and still champion, Aunt Beast second), Purvis suggested that it might be fun to publish the final match in progress. Peltier responded with the revolutionary counterproposal, "Yes, and let's provide running commentary!"
Purvis has already made a shocking blunder, so WGOSA 2007 should be completely finished very soon now. In any event, we can all start gearing up for WGOSA 2008. And all includes any new players out there who might like to get involved. Practice games can be arranged!
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