
Partisan Sprouts

Here is a suggestion for a "Sprouts" variant. To me, "Sprouts" seems to be the same type of game as "Nim" and "Dots and Boxes", in that neither player owns what he contributes to a game. This contrasts games such as "Chess" or "Go" where one can create structures without direct interference from the opponent.

So, my suggestion for a "Sprouts" variant is this. Rather than starting the game with identical dots, try starting with some X's and an equal number of O's. Whenever player-I moves, at least one end of the line he draws must be an O, and he forms a new O on that line. Likewise, whenever player-II moves, at least one end of the line he draws must be an X, and he forms a new X on that line. Other than this change, the rules would stay the same. (Obviously, you could try different combinations of which lines must touch X's or O's, or maybe a player must form an enemy X or O on his move.)

This might even work as an N-player game !

Gregory K. Van Patten

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